Lincolnshire Wolds

Lincolnshire Wolds

Take a day off from angling in our well stocked fishing lakes to explore the Yorkshire Wolds. After a peaceful night’s sleep in a comfortable fishing lodge discover Lincolnshire Wolds Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. According to,”this is a wonderful area of countryside with some of the most beautiful, unspoilt scenery in the East Midlands. There are rolling hills and hidden valleys, gentle streams and nestling villages.

“In 1949 it was decided that unspoilt areas of the countryside should be protected for future generations as Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONBs). In 2000 the importance of AONBs was re-emphasised, acknowledging that they, with the National Parks, form Britain’s finest countryside.

“Most of the Lincolnshire Wolds was designated as an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) in 1973 following considerable local campaigning. This designation means the landscape is some of Britain’s finest countryside. It is a living, working landscape, with woodland, grassland and abandoned chalk pits providing important habitats for rare flowers and wildlife”